3 – 10 SEPTEMBER, 2022
Description of the retreat
This time assistant teacher will be Erika Pinna lev.1 authorised SYC (KPJAYI).
Full programe will be about ashtanga tradition system of Parampara.
All students are welcome from beginner level until Advance A.
During programe Max will ask other students to start assisting but only if student are ready.
If you are an ashtanga yoga teacher wanting improve your assisting style or student intrested in advancing your practice you should join Max Pascal , a SYC (KPJAYI) lev.2 International Authorized Teacher and Erika Pinna for this 1 week of transformation yoga assisting programe in amazing Salento, Italy.
One week yoga programe is the perfect moment to take more experience knowledge of the Ashtanga Yoga technique and increase skill of Ashtanga Yoga adjustments and alignments.
This programe is made by Max and is sharing his 17 years experience of teaching yoga.
Its great opportunity to lern from teacher who has experience in teaching students from many countrys around the world.
If you are a teacher or student who want become a teacher this programe will be perfect for you.
This retreat will also great for students who think about moving own practice to next step.
Another important fact is the Traditional Ashtanga Yoga is a Therapy.
Thats why during this week Max will teach us more about philosophy of yoga,
(Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, 8limbs of Yoga).
Max will teach full Primary , Intermediate and Advance A only to student who will ready to jump to this level of yoga practice.
It will be daily morning mysore class and afternoon led class & workshops time plus special evening classes.
General plan of event:
- mysore class
- led class
- assisting method
- workshops ( asana clinic , meditation , safe back bend, )
- pranayama
- philosophy
- chanting
- puja
Mysore class – will be traditional ashtanga yoga daily class in full knowledge straith from Mysore with elements of assisting. This part of experience is most important time to understand what realy ashtanga yoga is. Dont skip this !!!
Led class – traditional Sanskrit counting class. Perfect method to lern more about Vinyasa (Krama) system what we practicing every day. In this class you can lern more how to improve your breathing more and transform your practice to the meditation level.
Assisting – as we explained before, will be best time to check what is about teaching style and safe method help to student understand more deep what yoga is. You should start dream about teaching from this experience.
Pranayam – becouse yoga is all about breathing. We start our life from breathing and we finish this life with last breath. If you change your breathing you can be able change your life.
Philosophy – it will be regular conference and conversation with students during class and during special Satsang time event with Max and Erika. During this class you can ask any question about yoga or your practice. Everything what will be in that moment in your mind , you can ask.
Remember, there is not stupid questions never. All students can have also own privet time to talk with Max and Erika if they need this kind conversation.
Chanting – it will be mantra sanskrit class. Students will lern how to use mantra in regular life as a tools to transform own life and make more easy and happy.
Puja – celebration, sharing time of Max with all students who join our programe.
Ask for any
further info
The YIS retreat centre is located in Zollino, in the heart of the Salento. Twenty minutes from both coasts and from cultural centres such as Lecce, Otranto and Gallipoli.
Our yoga retreats are also an opportunity to get together, share good moments, pamper yourself and enjoy the beauty of the Salento in a peaceful environment. Give yourself an energetic recharge through vegan and vegetarian organic food, eco-sustainable tourism and relaxation in our spaces.
Our staff are at your disposal for the entire duration of the retreat to advise you about the must–see places in the Salento, organise excursions, guided tours, gastronomic tours, transfers, rentals and anything else to make your stay enjoyable.
For all information, call +39 0836 600284 or send an email to info@yogainsalento.com.
Book this retreat now
The Location
Our retreats take place at Agricola Samadhi, a unique organic farmhouse because it proposes something more than just recreation.
In this charming oasis, the lifestyle revolves around well being: you can combine your stay with a SPA, Ayurvedic consultations and treatments, and a wide range of massages and more.
You can regain your well being through a variety of top–level yoga classes. There is also a SPA Healing Centre and the HQ of YIS, Yoga In Salento, a European leader in yoga retreats, for years a favourite destination of the best internationally renowned teachers in the world.
An energy recharge and psycho–physical well being will be the most precious gifts of your stay that you’ll take home with you, together with the new friendships you’ve made during the retreat.

7 nights
6 brunches
7 vegetarian dinners
1 breakfast
double, single or shared rooms
A very wide swimming pool and beautiful gardens
Spa Healing Center. Treatments and massages on request

Yoga In Salento - ritiri yoga, corsi di yoga Lecce
Via Stazione, 116, 73010 Zollino LE, Italy
More about Max :
Erika Pinna

Co founder AYC (Ashtanga Yoga Cagliari) mysore traditional programe in Cagliari, Italy.
Is Ashtanga Yoga Authorized teacher lev.1 from SYC (KPJAYI).
She started own yoga journay in Cagliari at Ananda Yoga class.
Next level was ashtanga class , workshops and of course visiting
Mysore and Institiute of P.Jois.
Since 2014 regularly she practicing with Sharath Jois.
Erika is a this kind of teacher who has lots of experience in short time.
She was traveling with Max few years during his teaching programe
and assisting to Sharathji in Mysore during yoga season 2019/2022.
Erika is teaching now ashtanga yoga mysore style in Cagliari at AYC.
More about Erika:
Feel free to ask for any further info
Fill in the form with your questions, we will answer you as soon as possible