Ashtanga Yoga | 18:30 - 20:00 | 18:30 - 20:00 | ||
Hatha Yoga | 17:20 - 18:30 | 17:20 - 18:30 |
Defined as ‘meditation in movement’, it is an ancient and powerful practice that allows the body to develop strength, agility and flexibility and the mind to become calm and centred. Students are taught the traditional method of Ashtanga Yoga (Mysore style) according to their own possibilities, posture by posture, until they develop their own personal practice.
Ana Paula trained in the tradition of Swami Sivananda, an Indian doctor and monk who devised a sequence of 12 asanas (or positions) organised to stimulate and rebalance our main energy centres or chakras, increase the flexibility of the spine and strengthen the different systems of the body.
Ana Paula’s 75-minute classes follow the principles dictated by Sivananda. It starts with a short grounding moment, followed by breathing exercises such as Kapalbhati (Fire Breathing) and Anulom Vilom (Alternating Nostril Breathing). After that, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and some warm-up exercises are practised. Afterwards, the practice of asanas begins, which may vary according to the objective of the lesson and the needs of the students. The end of the lesson is dedicated to deep, regenerative relaxation.
Vidya yoga focuses on the connection of the HERE and NOW, through Breathing we develop inner listening, giving space for the awakening of the subtle bodies with our own SELF. Through this awakening, the body will also be looser and more willing to mould itself in accordance with the fact that mind and body work in symbiosis. Personal care and attention will be given to the performance of the Asanas (comfortable, static postures) in such a way as to ensure that they are beneficial for each individual need. The lesson lasts 70 minutes and is divided into three parts: the first group of asanas, which are in turn divided into 3 parts, are oriented towards flexibilising the joints, strengthening the abdominal organs and the digestive system, and lastly, asanas aimed at improving energy blockages in the body. These are gentle and easy exercises for all kinds of problems, preparatory to the awareness of inner listening guided by one’s breath. The second part focuses on various rotational asanas in Erect, Seated, Twisting, Flexion, Inverted, Balancing, Meditative positions. Third part guided meditation in Shavasana.
Loretta insegna una forma di Yoga dinamico che, anzichè far eseguire le posizioni in una semplice successione, le collega in un flusso. I movimenti del corpo sono coordinati alla respirazione: ogni movimento avviene durante un’espirazione o un’inspirazione.
Il respiro è cio’ favorisce la concentrazione, permettendo cosi’ di aver un maggior controllo sulla propria mente influendo sull’emotività e sul benessere físico.
Le lezioni sono attentamente programmate con l’utilizzo di musiche in sottofondo che aiutano il rilassamento. I 75 minuti sono suddivisi in 20 minuti di riscaldamento muscolare concentrato sul movimento di tutte le articolazioni del corpo, seguiti da 35/40 minuti di Asana (posture) piu’ o meno complesse per terminare poi con 10/15 minuti di rilassamento e meditazione spesso guidata.
Erica Giorgino teaches yoga to children and adults.
She approached yoga out of curiosity and has not stopped since.
She began practising ashtanga yoga, but after a few years of regular practice, the desire to deepen her knowledge of the discipline of yoga was born in me. She began to work alongside her teachers in their classes and at the same time undertook training courses, exploring different yogic disciplines with curiosity and meeting different Masters.
Her classes are a mix of all the teachings she has received over the years and her goal is to share her passion with all those who have the curiosity to explore themselves, to get to know themselves deeper on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
The class lasts about 70 minutes and includes
– breathing exercises (Pranayama) for greater control of breath and mind;
– sun salutation (Surya Namaskara) to warm up the muscles, increase flexibility and correct the breath;
– Yoga postures (Asana) to stretch and tone muscles, increase physical strength, improve blood and prana circulation;
– Final relaxation (yoga nidra, Tibetan bells, guided relaxation…)