April 20 – 27, 2019
Six steps of Mindfulness
in six days with
Lorenza Guidotti and
Patrizia Vaccaro
An introductory course to learn how to face everyday life without stress Awareness or meaning means paying attention to the present moment.
Six steps of Mindfulness in six days
with Lorenza Guidotti and Patrizia Vaccaro
It can also be described as a way to cultivate a longer experience in the experience of the moment, in the here and now, without thinking about how to do it in 1 hour or a month without ruminating on what has happened in the past. This is something we all have, but that we have generally exercised very little in life. In fact, we spend most of our time acting as “automatically”, prey of our thoughts: we worry about how to happen in the future or we get lost in remorse and ruminations about what happened in the past. And we are never in the present. If then we are experiencing a stressful situation, which is a disease, a chronic pain, a discomfort at work or a family problem, the situation gets worse. And to the stress itself we are adding the load of continuous negative thoughts that torment us. Awareness is useful in these situations. Not because it heals us, eliminates pain or magically solves every problem, but because it changes our way of being with pain, with that difficulty or with that specific stress. Through the “practice” of Consciousness we can increase our resilience to stress. Through this path you will learn to look at the sensations of the body, the thoughts, the unfair emotions freely from moment to moment and accepting them as they are. This is a new way of dealing with stressors that is no longer reactive and automatic, but free from conditioning, more peaceful and conscious.
Saturday 20 April
- 21.00-21.30 presentation and indications
From Sunday 21 April to Friday 26 April - 8.00-10.00 meditation practices
- 17.00-19.00 meditation practices
- 21.00-21.45 evening meditation and reading
Each day will revolve around a theme in which the meditation practices of awareness will alternate with theoretical moments and sharing.
Sunday, April 21st
- The discovery of the senses
Monday, April 22nd
- Being in space
Tuesday, April 23rd
- The stress
Wednesday, April 24th
- Answer, do not react
Thursday, April 25th
- Relations
Friday 26 April
- To sum up: the power of silence
Saturday 27 April
- 8.00-9.00 meditation and final greetings
Lorenza Guidotti – BIO:
Professional journalist, works at the weekly Starbene (Mondadori publisher) dealing with psychology, nutrition, health and wellness.For the past 10 years he has been practicing Mindfulness regularly and is a Mindfulness based protocols trainer (Mindfulness Professional Training at AIM, Italian Mindfulness Association, www.mindfulnessitalia.it).
Patrizia Vaccaro – BIO:
Psychologist, psychotherapist, works as a freelancer in Milan and Pavia.
For 7 years he has been practicing Mindfulness regularly and is instructor of Mindfulness based protocols
(Mindfulness Professional Training at AIM, Italian Mindfulness Association, www.mindfulnessitalia.it).