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April  7-21


when the ancient tradition of panchakarma meets western knowledge to restore energy and health

During the 7 or 14 days residential stay we will experience a deep cleansing of body, mind and soul.
The first day, each participant will undergo a broad detailed ayurvedic medical consultation to determine the personalized plan of care, adapted to individual constitution, doshic imbalance, tailored to individual needs and contextualized on his current peculiar moment of life.

According to each case, the treatment will be curative, if there is already a disease or a symptom, or work on the prevention and rejuvenation of body, mind and spirit.

The health care plan will include daily authentic Ayurvedic physical treatments with medicated oils or powders (eg. Abhyangam, sirodhara, just, pinda sweda, Udvartana, Lepam, swedana), purification practices (es.nasya, virechana ..), teas and herbs (whose use is approved in Europe), Ayurvedic diet and yoga. Lectures on Ayurveda will be offered – concerning nutrition, lifestyle (eg. Dinacharya, daily practice of self-massage) – to raise awareness into everyone.

According to Ayurveda Health is defined by the Sanskrit term Swastha meaning “to be stable in one’s self,” a condition in which the body, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, soul and the environment are in harmonious relationship; the three dosa (vata, pitta and kapha) are in equilibrium and we are free from toxins (in Sanskrit ama = undigested).

To recover our health and our vitality, we need to eradicate physical, mental or emotional toxins .
In the hectic lives we lead we often tend to accumulate toxins, potentially favoring the development of a disease: the more toxins are deeply embedded in the tissues, the more easily disease become chronic (i.e. autoimmune or degenerative diseases) and do not respond to conventional medical therapies.

The aim of the purification retreat – organized in spring, the most suitable period for purification practices – will be to restore balance after eliminating toxins, achieving a true “reset” of the organism, which will acquire new energy and capacity of healing.

The purification retreat will be based on principles of the ancient practice of panchakarma, proved effective in boosting the immune system, slow the cellular aging process, improve the effectiveness of herbs and medicines, regain positive attitude, even optimize the energy exchange at cellular levels.

A team of expert therapists will work and nursed everyone with love.
The type and duration of treatment and purification practices will be adapted to the patient’s needs: it suggested a two-week residential in order to obtain a significant, long-lasting benefit.

Who will benefit from the purification retreat?

The ayurvedic purification retreat is for everyone!
According to Ayurveda everyone needs periodic purification practices to recover and maintain energy and health.

In addition, the purification retreat will be particularly suitable and useful in autoimmune diseases, in neurological diseases, gastrointestinal disease (Crohn disease..), thyroid disorders, chronic and recurrent diseases, for infertility problems, as a preparation for a surgical procedure or after a highly toxic drug therapy (i.e. chemotherapy, immunosuppressants).


Neurologist and Ayurvedic doctor

Dr. Dacia Dalla Libera’s surgeon, specialist in Neurology (particularly expert in the treatment of headaches, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, ischemic stroke, Parkinson’s disease), worked at the Neurology Department of the Hospital San Raffaele in Milan and at the clinic neurorehabilitation “Hildebrand” in Switzerland. He became interested in research in the field of neuroscience, of Neuroimmunology and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

The love of traditional Indian medicine was born in 2004 in Dharamsala (India), where he went to work as a volunteer doctor for a nonprofit. Back in Italy follows a four-year course for Ayurvedic physicians, graduating from Ayurvedic Point (Milan), with a thesis on the vision of multiple sclerosis according to Ayurveda. Since then annually she performs in-depth courses and study stays at renowned clinics in India.

Author of over 20 scientific publications in prestigious international journals (Lancet, Annals of Neurology, PlosOne, Headache, Neurological Sciences etc) and studies in neurology and Ayurveda, is often called upon to participate as a speaker at numerous international scientific conference and was among organizers of the Third International Congress of Ayurveda held in Milan in September 2016. In 2015 she won first prize for the best study of IRSA 2015 Birstein research for the study “Ayurveda helps in the recovery of the function of language and the balance of neuronal network in patients with aphasia after stroke: a pilot study “. For years, she deals with integrated medicine, particularly dell’interfacciarsi between the Ayurvedic medicine and modern medicine, by making visits and organizing training courses in Europe.

She works as a lecturer in courses certified Training for Yoga Teachers, therapists and Ayurvedic practitioners; organizes training courses on nutrition and chronic disease management for patients and their families, as well as residential care and holidays in Italy and India.

Since adolescence was devoted to the practice of the discipline of Yoga.


Experienced Ayurvedic therapist, graduated after a four-year course at AyurvedicPoint of Milan, she has worked for over 10 years with Ayurveda, attending advanced courses in Kerala. The interest in Ayurveda was born after practicing yoga and courses of Contact when he understood the need for self-care at deeper levels. Appreciated for his teaching skills, he worked as a lecturer at AyurvedicPoint Milan and currently teaches at the course for SIAF Certified Ayurvedic therapists at the Center Arbor Vitae of Rimini.

She worked for several years together with Dr. Dacia Dalla Libera, with which organizes residential care stays.